A Practical Approach TREATMENT OF PELVIC AND SACROILIAC DYSFUNCTION (March 4-5 2023, Saratoga CA)
Course Date/Location:
March 4-5 2023 Saratoga CA,
12930 Saratoga Ave Suite B5, Saratoga, CA 95070
Course Date/Location: TBD
March 4-5 2023 Saratoga CA
12930 Saratoga Ave Suite B5, Saratoga, CA 95070
This two-day seminar is designed to provide the medical professional with a simplified evidence-based approach to managing dysfunctions of the pelvic girdle. Anatomy of the SI and pelvic girdle region and the evidence-based treatment theory form the foundation of the lecture. An in-depth analysis of the biomechanics of the SI and pelvic girdle region are presented and form the basis for evaluation of alignment within the SI and pelvic girdle. The participants, through extensive Lab exercises, will be led through the development of treatment plans by applying muscle energy, joint mobilization, and muscle re-education techniques. Course instruction will also focus on developing a working knowledge of the theory behind muscle energy and joint mobilization techniques combined with supporting evidence from the current literature. The practical application labs will be supplemented by lecture and group discussions. Efficacy of the various techniques for SI and pelvic girdle dysfunction will also be discussed in order to allow the participant to determine the best evidence-based treatments for their clients. A course manual with illustrations and step-by-step instructions will assist the clinician in immediately and confidently applying these skills to their clinical setting. This information is essential to develop a comprehensive evaluation and treatment program for the SI and pelvic girdle region.
5 reviews for A Practical Approach TREATMENT OF PELVIC AND SACROILIAC DYSFUNCTION (March 4-5 2023, Saratoga CA)
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-Brian C., PT, EXOS Performance Specialist –
Great class and very applicable upon return to the clinic on Monday! Excellent format and provides a detail system to identify pelvic/S-I movement asymmetries!
Adrian C. PTA –
“I received a lot of positive feedback from patients after practicing the skills I learned from the “Practical Approach to Treatment of Pelvic and Sacroiliac Dysfunction” course. I believe I am a better PTA since taking the course and am thankful for the opportunity to learn from Dave.”
Reuben Z. ATC –
“I recently attended “A Practical Approach to Treatment of Pelvic and Sacroiliac Dysfunction” course put on by David Thomas PT. As an ATC, it gave me a methodical approach to assessing my athletes that come into the clinic complaining about Back and Hip pain with and without a traumatic event. I highly recommend this course to any clinician that wants to have a better understanding of the Pelvis and S-I function while quickly treating/eliminating S-I and pelvic pain.”
Lauren S. –
“Lots of practice, Great Course! Cleared up some confusion I have had in the past treating LBP and S-I/pelvic dysfunctions.”
Adrien Chico –
“I received a lot of positive feedback from patients after practicing the skills I learned from the “Practical Approach to Treatment of Pelvic and Sacroiliac Dysfunction” course. I believe I am a better PTA since taking the course and am thankful for the opportunity to learn from Dave.”